© 2024 The Center for Physical Rehabilitation. All Rights Reserved.
This website is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
All services take place in the basement level of our Cascade clinic at 5060 Cascade road SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546
You may also register by contacting 616-464-1610 or email
This full-body, low impact, strength training class focuses on increasing muscular endurance, stability, and range of motion. A variety of equipment is utilized to provide resistance.
*This class accepts SilverSneakers and One Pass qualified clients.
You may also register by contacting 616-464-1610 or email
A blended class of low (or no) impact cardio and light strength training. For added fun, we will move to the music to increase our endorphins and improve our cognitive function.
*This class accepts SilverSneakers and One Pass qualified clients.
You may also register by contacting 616-464-1610 or email
A gentle form of yoga with both seated and standing postures. This practice incorporates physical poses, breathing exercises, and mindfulness techniques to improve mobility, flexibility, balance, and strength.
*This class accepts SilverSneakers and One Pass qualified clients.
This is a great resource for our wellness facility, and has made scheduling and viewing our offerings easier than ever. To download our Wellness Academy app and start booking your future visits, choose the link based on your phone type. We can’t wait to see you at the Wellness Academy!
Based on your device, scan the QR CODE to be taken to the app store. You may also click on your devices icon, and you will be taken to the app store.
© 2024 The Center for Physical Rehabilitation. All Rights Reserved.
This website is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
News and events information, health and nutrition tips, and more!