LSVT BIG is Big Exercise

LSVT BIG is an intensive physical & occupational therapy exercise program for people with Parkinson’s disease and other neurological conditions. Treatments target the production of larger amplitude whole body functional movements while retraining motor and sensory systems for the e­ffort required for normal movement.

Patient doing exercise
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LSVT BIG is a standardized exercise prescription that adheres to principles of practice promoting strength, motor learning and changes in brain function. Initial research funded by NIH has also shown LSVT BIG to enhance amplitude whole body functional movements for up to three months.


What Does LSVT BIG Treatment Consist of?

  • High Effort – multiple repetitions of whole body large amplitude functional movements
  • Progressive – moving some simple real world tasks to more complex and novel functional movements
  • Continuous Activity – large amplitude movements are incorporated into daily situations
  • Motivating – extensive positive feedback reinforces success and teaches self-monitoring. Patients practice salient (meaningful) tasks
  • Intensive – intensive practice and e­ffort is important for maximum plasticity/change

What Are The Benefits of LSVT BIG?

  • Faster walking
  • Bigger steps
  • Improved balance
  • Increased trunk rotation

Have questions? Call us at 616.954.0950 or Contact Us

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