Many of you have been at an athletic event and unfortunately, an athlete may have been injured. You see someone from the sidelines rushing out to check on the athlete and perform care. Who are those people? They are professional health care providers, they are certified athletic trainers.
Athletic trainers play a pivotal role in helping to prevent, recognize, and treat injuries. Here at The Center, we are fortunate to have a great team of athletic trainers. Our athletic trainers can be found working at several local high schools, out in different industrial settings including fire departments, in our clinics, and in The Center’s Academy for Sports and Wellness. Our athletic training staff is so important to our healthcare model. They provide real-time care to injured patients wherever they may be active. It’s not uncommon to see an athletic trainer at the side of an injured patient within seconds of their injury, and that immediate care can significantly affect the patient’s outcome. Our athletic trainers are able to see, interact with, and treat their patients every single day. This immediate care and access to a healthcare provider creates a strong rapport between the patient and the athletic trainer.
The profession of athletic training is so important, and it can be a very exciting career. To become an athletic trainer you must find a university with a Master of Science in Athletic Training. You must complete a number of hours of training with a certified athletic trainer, pass a Board of Certification exam and complete a state credentialing process.
If you want to find out more about the athletic trainers here at The Center for Physical Rehabilitation or how we can help provide athletic training care for your active environment, please reach out, we would love to hear from you.