CrossFit Workout – Improve shoulder and middle back strength

Academy Sign

The 2022 CrossFit Open has begun!

There are many areas we could work on to improve our times in this workout. One of them is to improve our shoulder and middle back strength. This will allow us to move quicker through the wall walks and dumbbell snatches. If this was a weakness for you, give this accessory workout a try.

10 dumbbell Z presses, 15-30 second wall supported handstand hold or modified holds, 16 Kettlebell windmills (8 each arm) *Perform 3 Rounds.

Find a weight that is appropriate for you to do all the movements unbroken. This is not for time. It’s for movement quality. Reach out with any questions or things you’re struggling with and I will try to help.

(Physical therapist Dustin Karlik is an avid cross-fitter, and also runs The Center’s CrossFit Athlete Analysis program!)

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