3 Ways To Counteract Sitting At A Desk All Day

Sitting at a desk all day can have harmful and lasting effects on your body. Between work and spending additional time sitting to watch television or relax on the couch, the average American can spend up to 10-13 hours a day sitting. There are a number of ways to counteract sitting all day and reduce its negative effects. Learn more about improving your quality of life with our simple tips that you can incorporate into your daily routine.

Negative Effects of Sitting All Day

Sitting all day can negatively affect your body in many ways. First of all, it can affect your posture. A lot of sitting (especially sitting with incorrect posture) can lead to strain on your back muscles and spine. This is why proper posture at a desk is so crucial. Additionally, sitting can lead to poor circulation in your legs. Among other adverse side effects, sitting can also lead to muscle degeneration as certain muscles do not get utilized without consistent movement.

Many of you are sitting while reading this and getting a little concerned! What can you do to counteract the negative effects?  Fortunately, there are three simple ways to counteract the effects of so much sitting.

Best Ways To Counteract Sitting All Day

At PTCPR, we understand the importance of small lifestyle changes that will ultimately have a positive impact on your body. Let’s explore three of the best (and easiest) ways to counteract sitting all day. 

1. Start Moving 

This is as straightforward as it sounds. Approximately sixty minutes of activity per day will balance out many of the negative side effects of sitting. While an hour of activity may sound daunting, start incorporating activity in increments of 10-15 minutes into your day and you will be surprised how much you can fit in. Taking a walk during your lunch break or simply parking further away are simple ways to build exercise into your day.

2. Stand Up 

I am not telling you that you have to go out and invest in a standing desk (though it is a great way to get out of your chair). Standing up for 1-2 minutes every hour can help improve circulation and help engage some of the unused muscle groups in your body. Set a timer once per hour to remind you to get up out of your chair. Standing up from your chair is a small but effective exercise you can do right from your desk. You can even try eating one meal per day standing up; this is a simple way to incorporate more standing into your day.

3. Strategic Stretches and Exercises

Exercises and stretches are a great way to counteract sitting. We’ve rounded up four exercises and stretches you can incorporate into your daily routine that will improve your quality of life and have a positive impact on your body. Here are a few strategic exercises that you can do to help improve your body:

Cat and Cow Yoga Stretches

It might look a bit odd if you start doing this at work, but at the end of the day when you get home it would be wise to do this stretch. Pete Williams, C.P.T. writes, “The familiar yoga combo of cat/cow is also an effective way to improve posture and counteract the effects of sitting. It improves flexibility to the lumbar and cervical spine, but it also strengthens and stabilizes the shoulders.” 


 Planks are an excellent way to engage all of the muscles in your body. This exercise will strengthen your core muscles, which is necessary if you tend to slouch in your chair.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers engage your core muscles as well as improve circulation, both of which are needed if you sit all day.

Glute Bridges 

When you sit all day, it is important to stretch out and utilize your hip flexor muscles. Glute bridges allow for hip extension.

How To Correct Your Posture When Sitting All Day

As much as we may try to avoid it, sometimes we have to stay sitting for long periods of time. In these situations, make an effort to maintain good posture by sitting up straight with your back against the chair and shoulders back. Try to keep your legs uncrossed and feet planted on the ground. While it’s still important to take breaks when possible, following these steps can help counteract the negative effects of sitting for long periods.

Improve Your Quality Of Life With The Center

Although sitting can be hard on your body, it is easy to counterbalance it with these three things: 1) start moving, 2) stand up, and 3) practice strategic exercises. All it takes is a little bit of intentionality to implement these three things and improve your quality of life.

If you experience pain or discomfort from sitting, reach out to us for a free consultation. We’ll work with you to achieve your physical goals. 

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